Friday, December 12, 2008

Sophie is STAR of the WEEK!!!

Every kid in Miss Monserud's class gets a week where they are the "STAR of the WEEK!" Sophie's was the second week in December. She was so excited the Friday before because she got to bring home a poster to decorate and take back to school on Monday and show to all of her friends. The star of the week also gets to be the teacher's helper and the line leader throughout the week.

Here is her poster.

She had to find pictures of things she does NOT like and stick them here.
Her items included Brussel Sprouts, Cleaning her Room, Spicy Foods and Monsters.

Here are her Statistics.

Next she had to find pictures of her favorite things. Sophie thinks Google is the greatest thing ever so to find all of the pictures she wanted, we googled the pics, printed and cut them out.
Her favorite things include Lola (which Mommy thought was very sweet), O'Charley's, reindeer, horses, stars, reading, and macaroni and cheese.

Here is the picture she drew of her family. Check out Daddy's mustache. And in case you don't know we have two dogs and two cats.

Her 3 wishes:
1. I could fly. 2. would stay winter all the time. 3....I would be a teenager now.
(Mommy is glad none of her wishes have been granted.)

When she grows up she wants to be a doctor that also trains horses. But she said that was too much to write so she just put down doctor. She is the one smiling and the patient is on a "thing" that goes up and down and isn't happy about it. I think this stems from her seeing mommy at work and watching my patients have to run on a treadmill. She remembers that it inclines quite a bit and the patients didn't like it. Its been a while since she has been to work with me though so some of the details are kind of foggy.

She also had to take in a couple pictures of her to post in the classroom. These are the ones she chose.

Wearing Kate's glasses...

...and her cowgirl outfit from Halloween.

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