Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Must be the Red Hair

Every year before Christmas, Brian and I go through the girls rooms and clean out the toys they don't play with anymore and give them to Goodwill. This also gives us the opportunity to rearrange the girls bedrooms, which they always love! This year we made the girls help us and pick out the toys they wanted to donate. They were very sweet and found all kinds of things they decided they could live without. I think Mommy, the pack-rat, was more emotionally attached to some of their items than they were.

While cleaning, I came across a book under Lola's bed. It is a book that Maw gave to Lola. It is about baby animals. Throughout the whole book Maw labeled the baby animal as Lola and the grown-up animal as Maw. Lola LOVES this book! She goes through it over and over and points to which one is her and which one is Maw. On the last page there is a picture with two babies and a grown-up animal. In this one, Maw labeled herself, one baby as Lola and the other as Sophie. Apparently, Lola wasn't too crazy about this and took it upon herself to change the story. Sophie's head has been ripped off and now the book is satisfactory as far as Lola is concerned. Should I be worried?!?!? ha ha

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